Quiz marketing: “My cost per lead is 25% of what every marketer tells me it should be” [case study]

Quiz marketing is an important part of Krister Ungerböck’s marketing strategy. He and his marketing agency use a quiz to build their email marketing list to redirect people into targeted landing pages. By segmenting his audience into different buyer persona groups through the use of quizzes, he’s able to offer them the right product.

It is working very well for Krister, who is seeing a response rate twice the average quiz response rate, resulting in a cost per lead that’s only 25% of what every marketer tells him it should be. How he made that possible? Read on to discover his secrets!

Rather watch than read? Go straight to the interview video 👇

Who is Krister Ungerböck?

Krister is a keynote speaker, global communication expert and former CEO of a global technology company. His unique perspective into leadership, emotional intelligence and employee engagement is based on his experience leading teams in three languages, working with leaders in more than 40 countries and building businesses on 5 continents.

He’s writing his first book which is going to come out this year, called “22 Talk Shifts, Tools to transform leadership in business and partnership and in life”.

How Krister found Pointerpro

Krister: “As a software CEO, I had a big company where we used to submit RFP’s. As an author, just sitting in my boxers in my house, I created a list of features I was looking for. I looked at research sites and had probably four or five different tools in front of me. It became really clear that Pointerpro offered dramatically more value for the cost than the others.

For quiz marketing, one of the challenges with our use case where I think Pointerpro was really important, is one where we’re doing Facebook Ads. The mobile experience is really critical.

“It became really clear that Pointerpro offered dramatically more value for the cost”

We needed a tool that was very sophisticated in terms of the kind of questions we would ask, so that we could then put people in the right funnel based on what the value of what they’re doing was. For example, if you are a software CEO, I would just ask you what your job title is and what industry you’re in. And if you’re in this industry, then I know we want to direct you towards this product. 

But in our case, it’s a bit more sophisticated. It’s not just “if this, then that”, it’s “if this, or this, and this, and this, then …”. We’re going to put you into a sales funnel and many of the other quiz marketing solutions require you to have an exorbitant kind of really high-end package for that.

As an author – selling a book you’ll make like $5 or $10, if you’re lucky. So for a mass-market solution to sell a book, there was no way that those other solutions would ever work out from a business standpoint.”

Quizzes that generate a significantly higher response rate

Krister: “The experiment is working pretty well. My marketing agency, which is specialized in book marketing, said that their typical response rates using other tools is 30% on their quizzes, and ours is between 65% and 75%, depending on the target audience.

“The typical quiz response rate is 30% on quizzes, and ours is between 65% and 75%, using Pointerpro”

So as you can imagine that means my cost per lead is 25% of what many Facebook marketers would say is best practice. Now I would say probably 50% of the reason why our cost per lead is so low is precisely because of features that are only available in the Pointerpro software.”

The experience working with Pointerpro

Krister: “As the CEO of an American software company doing business in Australia and Europe, our customers were always very concerned about what it was going to be like when support is across the pond. And admittedly, I was too. But the support has been amazing, most certainly much beyond what I was expecting given that I’m in the US and you’re in Europe.

The good news is that a survey tool is not something that’s necessarily a mission-critical solution, so I don’t need to have a response within 30 seconds. For example, the software that I sold was one of those mission-critical systems that if it went down, it needed to be up immediately.

Certainly, the support has exceeded my expectations and there’s not been anything that’s impacted the operation of survey negatively.”

“The support has been amazing, most certainly given the fact that I’m in the US and you’re in Europe”

Quiz features that stood out for Krister

1. The mobile experience

Krister: “We’re advertising this quiz on Facebook, and 95% of our quiz responses are on mobile. We almost didn’t really care as much what the desktop looked like, it was all about the mobile experience.

And the mobile experience is amazing. That was one of the reasons why I chose Pointerpro. I do believe that Pointerpro is a big reason why our response rates are double. 

My marketing agency tells me our response rates for our quiz are twice the response rates that they’re getting for other quizzes. They said typically their response rates are around 30%, and we’re getting close to 70% of response rates. I’m very certain that’s because of a lot of the subtle nuances of how Pointerpro works on mobile.”

2. Automatically go to the next screen

Krister: “There’s an option where, as soon as they click on something in the survey, it automatically takes them to the next page. So if I’m on a mobile device, can you imagine if I had to click “agree” and then click “next” every time? I would’ve literally doubled the amount of clicks to complete my survey.

So what we do is when you click e.g. “agree”, it moves to the next question. That’s such an important feature! In fact, it’s such an important feature I would almost recommend that you make it the default setting. At least for a mobile device.”

3. Pointerpro as an email list building tool

Krister: “This is a feature that was unique to Pointerpro, but it’s also best practice. Usually, you ask for the respondent’s email address either at the beginning, or at the end.

I think one of the innovations we did is that we asked for the email address in the middle. And the point was: ask enough questions to create intrigue from the person who’s taking the survey to say “Oh, I really wonder what my results are going to be,” and then ask for the email address.

This is also an exhilaration, Pointerpro gives us some statistics to know which question people stopped at. We’re actually going back and look at which questions we think are the ones that are causing people to bounce out of the survey, and we’re going to remove or reword those questions, because we want to basically make sure people feel like their results are going to be worth giving an email address for. That is probably one point of context: we are using Pointerpro primarily as an email list building tool, using our quiz.”

4. Collecting Personal and Demographic Data

Krister: “Pointerpro has an option where you can actually save the responses, even if respondents don’t complete the quiz. As of right now, I have that person’s email address even if someone closes the web browser. In my understanding, based on all the research of the tools that I did, there are no other survey platforms that I could find that would actually save the email. 

The other thing is that now that we’ve asked you for your email address, we didn’t even ask for the first name and last name. When I asked for an email address from someone, if I put “first name” and “last name” on the same page, I will have a much higher drop-off rate than if I just ask for an email. So when they come back to the questions, I have the email which is saved by Pointerpro and I can ask you for your first name and last name. 

Now here’s what we found: once someone’s already given their email address, I can ask five demographic questions. The drop-off rates are very limited because they’ve already emotionally committed to giving their information and getting to the end. So what we found is, whether we ask ten or twenty questions, that is somewhat irrelevant in terms of the drop-off rate for people to get to the end. 

One of the things that is really powerful is that now that I’ve asked some demographic questions, we can actually change the follow-up questions based on the previous answers. This is great to reduce the number of questions if they make responses that we don’t care about. 

So for example, one of the things that happens is that if you say that you “do not lead a team”, then I don’t ask you some of the follow-up questions. For me, it’s very important to know whether I’ve got a CEO or a President or Vice President for my marketing purposes because those people naturally have more purchasing authority than someone who doesn’t lead a team.” 

5. Customization of the final quiz page

Krister: “This is the last page, so being able to customize this page, I was able to put redirects here. So, now we actually have information about the person and because we can change the outcomes we can say: “If this person responded that they’re a CEO, I can land them on a page on my website to sell what I would be selling to CEOs.” I have $10.000 coaching packages for when you’re a CEO or you lead a team of a hundred or more people.

But if you don’t lead a team or you only lead a team of two to ten people, then I’m going to land you on a page that says: “Hey, why don’t you buy the book,” which is only $25. So being able to really direct people into an actual purchase page next, I can qualify them based upon their responses.”

6. PDF builder tool

Krister: “By far one of the greatest differentiators of  Pointerpro is the fact that you have a PDF builder tool with which you can, with no technical knowledge necessary, build a professional-looking PDF report and deliver it affordably to the person.

So if I want to sell you a $3.000 or $5.000 coaching package, I probably want to give you a report that looks like a $3.000 or $5.000 package. I want to give you a professional report in PDF with logos and pictures because the likelihood that you’re going to buy a $3.000 package if I send you just a plain text email as the response is certainly much lower. So that’s a really important thing.”

7. Sophisticated email follow-up engine

Krister: “One of the things I was probably the most surprised about was that Pointerpro actually has a pretty sophisticated email follow-up engine where we can tie emails out and say: “People who responded A or B are going to receive a different series of emails.”

There’s so many capabilities! It’s been a question for me whether even to use my email marketing tool or whether to just do it directly in Pointerpro. It’ll probably be a combination of the two, but I think it’s really powerful.

We use Zapier and Integromat to actually push the email addresses into the email platform and that was super easy to set up. You basically push those into your mass email platform. I push them into Hubspot as my CRM. 

Basically, they get pushed fairly easily into all of the other technology solutions that I use.”

Watch the interview with Krister here:

A survey or questionnaire cannot fully capture emotional responses or feelings of respondents. Without administering the questionnaire face-to-face, there is no way to observe facial expressions, reactions or body language.

Without these subtleties, useful data can go unnoticed.

Don’t get stuck trying to interpret emotion in data, instead go for a Likert scale, the response scale that often uses a rating scale from “slightly agree” to “strongly disagree.” This allows for strength and assertion in responses rather than multiple choice.

Quiz marketing is an important part of Krister Ungerböck’s marketing strategy. He and his marketing agency use a quiz to build their email marketing list to redirect people into targeted landing pages. By segmenting his audience into different buyer persona groups through the use of quizzes, he’s able to offer them the right product.

It is working very well for Krister, who is seeing a response rate twice the average quiz response rate, resulting in a cost per lead that’s only 25% of what every marketer tells him it should be. How he made that possible? Read on to discover his secrets!

Rather watch than read? Go straight to the interview video 👇

Who is Krister Ungerböck?

Krister is a keynote speaker, global communication expert and former CEO of a global technology company. His unique perspective into leadership, emotional intelligence and employee engagement is based on his experience leading teams in three languages, working with leaders in more than 40 countries and building businesses on 5 continents.

He’s writing his first book which is going to come out this year, called “22 Talk Shifts, Tools to transform leadership in business and partnership and in life”.

How Krister found Pointerpro

Krister: “As a software CEO, I had a big company where we used to submit RFP’s. As an author, just sitting in my boxers in my house, I created a list of features I was looking for. I looked at research sites and had probably four or five different tools in front of me. It became really clear that Pointerpro offered dramatically more value for the cost than the others.

For quiz marketing, one of the challenges with our use case where I think Pointerpro was really important, is one where we’re doing Facebook Ads. The mobile experience is really critical.

“It became really clear that Pointerpro offered dramatically more value for the cost”

We needed a tool that was very sophisticated in terms of the kind of questions we would ask, so that we could then put people in the right funnel based on what the value of what they’re doing was. For example, if you are a software CEO, I would just ask you what your job title is and what industry you’re in. And if you’re in this industry, then I know we want to direct you towards this product. 

But in our case, it’s a bit more sophisticated. It’s not just “if this, then that”, it’s “if this, or this, and this, and this, then …”. We’re going to put you into a sales funnel and many of the other quiz marketing solutions require you to have an exorbitant kind of really high-end package for that.

As an author – selling a book you’ll make like $5 or $10, if you’re lucky. So for a mass-market solution to sell a book, there was no way that those other solutions would ever work out from a business standpoint.”

Quizzes that generate a significantly higher response rate

Krister: “The experiment is working pretty well. My marketing agency, which is specialized in book marketing, said that their typical response rates using other tools is 30% on their quizzes, and ours is between 65% and 75%, depending on the target audience.

“The typical quiz response rate is 30% on quizzes, and ours is between 65% and 75%, using Pointerpro”

So as you can imagine that means my cost per lead is 25% of what many Facebook marketers would say is best practice. Now I would say probably 50% of the reason why our cost per lead is so low is precisely because of features that are only available in the Pointerpro software.”

The experience working with Pointerpro

Krister: “As the CEO of an American software company doing business in Australia and Europe, our customers were always very concerned about what it was going to be like when support is across the pond. And admittedly, I was too. But the support has been amazing, most certainly much beyond what I was expecting given that I’m in the US and you’re in Europe.

The good news is that a survey tool is not something that’s necessarily a mission-critical solution, so I don’t need to have a response within 30 seconds. For example, the software that I sold was one of those mission-critical systems that if it went down, it needed to be up immediately.

Certainly, the support has exceeded my expectations and there’s not been anything that’s impacted the operation of survey negatively.”

“The support has been amazing, most certainly given the fact that I’m in the US and you’re in Europe”

Quiz features that stood out for Krister

1. The mobile experience

Krister: “We’re advertising this quiz on Facebook, and 95% of our quiz responses are on mobile. We almost didn’t really care as much what the desktop looked like, it was all about the mobile experience.

And the mobile experience is amazing. That was one of the reasons why I chose Pointerpro. I do believe that Pointerpro is a big reason why our response rates are double. 

My marketing agency tells me our response rates for our quiz are twice the response rates that they’re getting for other quizzes. They said typically their response rates are around 30%, and we’re getting close to 70% of response rates. I’m very certain that’s because of a lot of the subtle nuances of how Pointerpro works on mobile.”

2. Automatically go to the next screen

Krister: “There’s an option where, as soon as they click on something in the survey, it automatically takes them to the next page. So if I’m on a mobile device, can you imagine if I had to click “agree” and then click “next” every time? I would’ve literally doubled the amount of clicks to complete my survey.

So what we do is when you click e.g. “agree”, it moves to the next question. That’s such an important feature! In fact, it’s such an important feature I would almost recommend that you make it the default setting. At least for a mobile device.”

3. Pointerpro as an email list building tool

Krister: “This is a feature that was unique to Pointerpro, but it’s also best practice. Usually, you ask for the respondent’s email address either at the beginning, or at the end.

I think one of the innovations we did is that we asked for the email address in the middle. And the point was: ask enough questions to create intrigue from the person who’s taking the survey to say “Oh, I really wonder what my results are going to be,” and then ask for the email address.

This is also an exhilaration, Pointerpro gives us some statistics to know which question people stopped at. We’re actually going back and look at which questions we think are the ones that are causing people to bounce out of the survey, and we’re going to remove or reword those questions, because we want to basically make sure people feel like their results are going to be worth giving an email address for. That is probably one point of context: we are using Pointerpro primarily as an email list building tool, using our quiz.”

4. Collecting Personal and Demographic Data

Krister: “Pointerpro has an option where you can actually save the responses, even if respondents don’t complete the quiz. As of right now, I have that person’s email address even if someone closes the web browser. In my understanding, based on all the research of the tools that I did, there are no other survey platforms that I could find that would actually save the email. 

The other thing is that now that we’ve asked you for your email address, we didn’t even ask for the first name and last name. When I asked for an email address from someone, if I put “first name” and “last name” on the same page, I will have a much higher drop-off rate than if I just ask for an email. So when they come back to the questions, I have the email which is saved by Pointerpro and I can ask you for your first name and last name. 

Now here’s what we found: once someone’s already given their email address, I can ask five demographic questions. The drop-off rates are very limited because they’ve already emotionally committed to giving their information and getting to the end. So what we found is, whether we ask ten or twenty questions, that is somewhat irrelevant in terms of the drop-off rate for people to get to the end. 

One of the things that is really powerful is that now that I’ve asked some demographic questions, we can actually change the follow-up questions based on the previous answers. This is great to reduce the number of questions if they make responses that we don’t care about. 

So for example, one of the things that happens is that if you say that you “do not lead a team”, then I don’t ask you some of the follow-up questions. For me, it’s very important to know whether I’ve got a CEO or a President or Vice President for my marketing purposes because those people naturally have more purchasing authority than someone who doesn’t lead a team.” 

5. Customization of the final quiz page

Krister: “This is the last page, so being able to customize this page, I was able to put redirects here. So, now we actually have information about the person and because we can change the outcomes we can say: “If this person responded that they’re a CEO, I can land them on a page on my website to sell what I would be selling to CEOs.” I have $10.000 coaching packages for when you’re a CEO or you lead a team of a hundred or more people.

But if you don’t lead a team or you only lead a team of two to ten people, then I’m going to land you on a page that says: “Hey, why don’t you buy the book,” which is only $25. So being able to really direct people into an actual purchase page next, I can qualify them based upon their responses.”

6. PDF builder tool

Krister: “By far one of the greatest differentiators of  Pointerpro is the fact that you have a PDF builder tool with which you can, with no technical knowledge necessary, build a professional-looking PDF report and deliver it affordably to the person.

So if I want to sell you a $3.000 or $5.000 coaching package, I probably want to give you a report that looks like a $3.000 or $5.000 package. I want to give you a professional report in PDF with logos and pictures because the likelihood that you’re going to buy a $3.000 package if I send you just a plain text email as the response is certainly much lower. So that’s a really important thing.”

7. Sophisticated email follow-up engine

Krister: “One of the things I was probably the most surprised about was that Pointerpro actually has a pretty sophisticated email follow-up engine where we can tie emails out and say: “People who responded A or B are going to receive a different series of emails.”

There’s so many capabilities! It’s been a question for me whether even to use my email marketing tool or whether to just do it directly in Pointerpro. It’ll probably be a combination of the two, but I think it’s really powerful.

We use Zapier and Integromat to actually push the email addresses into the email platform and that was super easy to set up. You basically push those into your mass email platform. I push them into Hubspot as my CRM. 

Basically, they get pushed fairly easily into all of the other technology solutions that I use.”

Watch the interview with Krister here:

A survey or questionnaire cannot fully capture emotional responses or feelings of respondents. Without administering the questionnaire face-to-face, there is no way to observe facial expressions, reactions or body language.

Without these subtleties, useful data can go unnoticed.

Don’t get stuck trying to interpret emotion in data, instead go for a Likert scale, the response scale that often uses a rating scale from “slightly agree” to “strongly disagree.” This allows for strength and assertion in responses rather than multiple choice.

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About the author:
Iris De Geest

Iris De Geest

Iris De Geest runs digital PR at Pointerpro and is responsible for content and partnerships. She loves to create actionable content that helps businesses innovate and scale.
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